Local Writers' Groups in Virginia
Not long ago, I was fortunate to visit a couple of high school classes to talk about writing. Since then a number of students have contacted to ask about more information on finding writers' groups and short story contests.
Today, I'm sharing some information about local groups that teens can join to learn more about the writing industry. Since there are dozens of groups, I'm going to break this into a several different blog posts.
This one focuses on a few Virginia programs.
Virginia Writers’ Club: https://www.virginiawritersclub.org/young_writers
For literary writers and poets in Virginia
With an under age 18 component (free for middle & high school students)
YVWC application: http://www.virginiawritersclub.org/Resources/Documents/yvwcapp.pdf
Offers Scholarship Opportunities: http://www.virginiawritersclub.org/2018-Scholarship
Local writers group (Fredericksburg)
Riverside Writers (associated with VWC) has Young Writers Club (ages 13-19): Poetry
Same application as YVWC http://www.virginiawritersclub.org/Resources/Documents/yvwcapp.pdf
Free for Youth
Local writers group (Fredericksburg)
Chesapeake Bay Writers: https://www.chesapeakebaywriters.org
Annual Membership Dues for Middle School and High School Students: FREE
Local writers (Glen Allen to Gloucester)
James River Writers: https://jamesriverwriters.org/
Annual Membership Dues for Youth: $25
Local writers (Richmond)
Hampton Roads Writers: http://www.hamptonroadswriters.org/
$35 annual donation of dues
Supports writers in all stages of the process
Offers networking support